Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shakespeare Hangover

If, as he said,

(and he should know
with his thinning hair
rimmed glasses and
pedagogical smile)

We’re not big enough
And the insignificance
Of our scope
Limits our petty
Lives to a choice
Of coffee:
Cream Or Sugar?

Then scribbling in the sand
As the tide creeps up
Is frighteningly sane
Unless we try to
Preserve: interrupt the moon
By chucking rocks at the sky.

No doubt its true.
Afterall, who’s applied an asp
Or eaten fire
When a morning headache
Pounds the mundane
Of white office walls?

Or undermined fancy
Through fact and feat
Of nature?

Instead we hit
The save button
And smile self-satisfied
And self-deceived
At our memoir-mirrored
Blogospheric world.

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